Topic: Teacher of the Year: A New Documentary Film
Teacher of the Year is a new documentary film that reveals the complex reality of teaching in the 21st century and explores the forces that influence a teacher’s performance for the competing needs of audiences made up of students, parents, administrators, other teachers, politicians, and the public at large. The subject and directors join us to talk about the project and to explore how Hollywood portrays teachers and the teaching profession.
Mary M. Dalton, Professor, Wake Forest University
Rob Phillips, Filmmaker, At Large Productions and NC English Teacher, 9-12
Jay Korreck, Filmmaker and Chief Design Officer, At Large Productions and Constructive Learning Design
Angie Scioli, Social Studies Teacher, Leesville Road High School, Raleigh
For sponsorship and screening Inquiries, go to: or email
For more details on the conference where the film will premiere, visit
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Interview segments:
Not Another Hollywood Teacher Tale
‘Teacher of the Year’: Documentary to feature Leesville teacher
Teacher of the Year Documentary web site
Lucas R says
Along the same lines as this film, there’s also an interesting verite education documentary that covers how three teachers resort to leveraging brain science to break through the boredom and disinterest of their students- while it doesn’t fall into the trap of the “hero teacher” there’s a great exploration of the personal journeys that led three teachers to use a neuroscience-based teaching model, and showing that model in action within their locales and student age brackets (Roland Park Elementary/Middle School in Baltimore, Maryland; a high school in upstate New York, and a community college in Western Pennsylvania). What really struck me was the intimacy with which some students and teachers respond to the model- and it’s a very human showing of the personal factors that drive education – both from a teacher and a student standpoint.