RALEIGH, NC (August 23, 2019) –The Public School Forum of NC, in partnership with the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity and Duke Sanford Policy Bridge, is excited to announce a new joint initiative: Mapping the Movement for Racial Equity and Beyond.
For years, there has been great work happening around racial equity in education in the state of North Carolina. Groups engaged in work around these issues span across sectors: they include nonprofits, research centers, community-based organizations, parent and student groups, advocacy groups, philanthropic organizations, political organizations, and, of course, schools and districts. However, these efforts are largely taking place in isolation from one another. We see a great need to connect these essential stakeholders.
We believe the first step toward developing strong, collective action around a racial equity movement is to develop a map of organizations that are engaged in these efforts across the state. This mapping database will enable stakeholders to realize the following goals:
- Coalition Building
- Increased Visibility to Funders Interested in Investing in Racial Equity Work in NC
- Information and Strategy Sharing
- Identifying What is Missing
We invite all North Carolina organizations dedicated to the promotion of racial equity in education to be highlighted in our mapping database. This map will be accessible this fall on the Color of Education website and will highlight your organization’s location and description of the work you are doing to promote racial equity.
If you would like to have your organization highlighted in our Mapping the Movement for Racial Equity and Beyond database, please fill out the survey here. If you would like more information about the Color of Education, please contact us at colorofed@gmail.com.
About Public School Forum of North Carolina
Since 1986, the Public School Forum of North Carolina has been an indispensable and nonpartisan champion of better schools and the most trusted source in the state for research and analysis on vital education issues. We bring together leaders from business, education and government to study education issues, develop ideas, seek consensus, and ultimately inform and shape education policy. We do that through research, policy work, innovative programs, advocacy, and continuing education for educators and policymakers. Follow us on Twitter @theNCForum and visit our website at https://www.ncforum.org/.
About Duke Sanford Policy Bridge
Deep engagement with the policy world is one of the Sanford School’s core values. The Policy Bridge was created to promote engagement as a two-way street, amplify the impact of our research to benefit society, and help our faculty and students be more aware of and responsive to the needs of the policy community.
Our aim is that:
- Duke’s scholarly research gets to policymakers and influencers when and how they need it.
- The real-world knowledge and questions of these groups informs and strengthens research.
Bridge with us on Twitter @Policy_Bridge
About Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity
The Duke Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity is a scholarly collaborative engaged in the study of the causes and consequences of inequality and in the assessment and redesign of remedies for inequality and its adverse effects. Concerned with the economic, political, social and cultural dimensions of uneven and inequitable access to resources, opportunity and capabilities, Cook Center researchers take a cross-national comparative approach to the study of human difference and disparity. Ranging from the global to the local, Cook Center scholars not only address the overarching social problem of general inequality, but they also explore social problems associated with gender, race, ethnicity and religious affiliation. Follow the Cook Center on Twitter @DUSocialEquity and visit our website at https://socialequity.duke.edu/
Special thanks to the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Conway Family Fund and the Grable Foundation for their support of this effort.
For more information, contact Lauren Fox.
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